
This is the current playground:

Playground Fundraiser

Satuday, September 26!
Garage Sale and Bottle Drive!

We will be holding a large garage sale here at the Co-op. We need donations of items for sale as well as volunteers to man the tables. If you have anything to donate, there is an area marked off at unit 12 on the Kneller Road side.

To allow the kids to help (since this is THEIR playground) we will also be having a bottle and coin drive. We need kids to volunteer to go door to door within the nearby community. (please have your child wear their Let Them Be Kids shirts, if they did not receive one, ask Marie). You will be provided with maps so that no area is doubled up on. Adults and teens are asked to volunteer to chaperone, drive or sort the bottles for return.

It will also be National Let Them Be Kids Day!
Check out the Let Them Be Kids website to share how you will bring a laugh, a smile or the joy of play to a child. Volunteering to help with our fundraiser would be a great way!

Sponsorship Information

Sponsorship Information: What you will receive as a donor
(Besides feeling great for participating)

Gold Donor: $2000 + donation (or retail equivalent)
*Thank You announcement on our live build webcast
*Place to display company banner on build day (October 17th, 2009)
*Name or logo on the back of our volunteer t-shirts to be worn on build day
*Name or logo placed on Permanent Sponsorship Thank You Board (near playground)
*Name or Logo on our Website
*Thank You Picture

Silver Donor: $1000 - $1999 donation (or retail equivalent)
*Thank You announcement on our live build webcast
*Name or logo on the back of our volunteer t-shirts to be worn on build day
*Name or logo placed on Permanent Sponsorship Thank You Board (near playground)
*Name or Logo on our Website
*Thank You Picture

Bronze Donor: $500 - $1000 donation (or retail equivalent)
*Name or logo on the back of our volunteer t-shirts to be worn on build day
*Name or logo placed on Permanent Sponsorship Thank You Board (near playground)
*Name or Logo on our Website

Friends of the Playground: $100 - $500 donation (or retail equivalent)
*Name or Logo on our Website

To have your name or logo appear on the sign or the shirts, we must have your information before October 13th.

Have a Loved one you would like to memorialize?
We are offering the following opportunities for you to not only better our community, but also to make a dedication to your loved one.

Memorial pavers (name on a paver near the playground) $125
Memorial bench or picnic table $500 (made out of cedar with a plaque of the persons name)

Maple Lanes Dot-mocracy!

This video was shot by and posted on

Some photos from the Dot-mocracy!


Come to the soccer field on Wednesday September 9th from 6 pm-7pm! There will be some exciting things happening that both kids and adults will want to be a part of!!

1.All the kids will be able to create their very own ice cream sundaes!

2.All the kids will be involved in designing our playground!

3.All the kids will have an opportunity to make our special “ribbon” for the sod turning.

4.The media will be coming to interview and take pictures. It would be great to have as many members of the co-op out as possible.

5.We are expecting special people from our city to be on hand to hear our announcement and turn the sod for our playground.

Okanagan Housing Co-operative in Kelowna, Awarded!

Okanagan Housing Co-operative in Kelowna, BC. has been awarded a Let Them Be Kids Kool-Aid Smile award to build a new playground in their housing Co-op. There is more exciting news to come shortly, so stay tuned.